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Flexirentals (RentSher)

Online renting experience redefined. An re-commerce website & app that brings the power of renting products to user hands.


Research, IA, UX / UI, App Design, Web Design, Iconography


Mobile Application, E-commerce Website


RSIN Flexirentals PVT LTD


Aug - Oct 2019



The Beginning

Flexirentals is the new face of RentSher, providing most flexible and economic rental services. RentSher was a largest online marketplace for audio visuals, events and IT equipment rentals in India and Middle East with over 4+ years of experience.

The company wanted to design an website and app to acts as their online platform for the both individuals and business users who wish to rent products for short and long term. The major features needed was to make the user should be able to view all the product inventory, manage, track, and extend or renew the order placed. Also it comes with most intutitive cart flow, KYC approval process, and the option to pay online.

Staylia illustration

The pre-design process involves understanding the brand from a holistic perspective. We started off by preparing an empathy map from users point of view through interviews and empathy datasheets. Thereby I was able to produce clearly understanding of the feature and friction set for the app and website design to get hold of and to let go off respectively.

Through research and discussion, we found that consumers wanted a guided journey as the rental being the new to market of interest. After the discussion with stakeholders and business team we embarked on formulating the key perspective based on crucial issues.


and Focus Point

and Focus Point

User Personas

Santhosi Pillai, 28

Freelance developer - India


  • Hard to fill out 20+ inputs in KYC step for order approval.
  • Spending time on understanding the site flow.
  • Search result not providing friendly experience.


  • Find high performance laptop needed easily.
  • App or website must be as simple as to be able to reach the product in max 4 clicks.

Kumar Reddy, 32

Manager - UAE


  • Not able to create bulk orders for his company.
  • Critical to find order status and tracking.
  • Finding products was really hard from home screen.


  • Way to create combo and bulk orders.
  • Should be easily able to do real-time order tracking and status update.

Aditya Agarwal, 42

Startup CEO - India


  • Challenging to quickly rent laptops due to the KYC process.
  • Subscription and cart flow is confusing.
  • Tough to manage all the employees order rental period.


  • Instantly able to rent out assets in large volume.
  • Spend less time browsing, order placement, tracking and handling.

Annie George

Event Organizer - UAE


  • Search interface and results was not easy to access for her.
  • The way of showing information are deficient.
  • User Interaction is displaced.


  • Search multiple products and able to discover info fastly.
  • Place orders based on recommendations and related product list.

Key Understandings


Redesign the website and mobile app experience to provide a visually appealing platform to use.


Synthenise streams of information and integrating useful data in such a way to enable users to take quick educated response.


Mould the UX/UI to serve multiple userbase niches (i.e., B2B, B2C customers) thereby giving effortless user experience.


Restructure the product screen that provide meaningful and relevant data to align with user interests.


Minimizing the friction in IA and paint efficient ways for user to consume proposition content, related products and search result.


Create an seamless and smooth checkout system with minimal KYC process and order approval.


and User Flow

and User Flow

The approach for the website & app set the standards for the rebranding strategy that was both innovative and relevant for their business goals. I repositioned the brand as the industry leader that they are. The new website and app displays their dedication to their mission and incorporates the unique blend of creativity and technology — something that distinguishes Flexirentals from their competitors.

Pre-design process understanding, re-branding set and customer journey mapping allowed us to clearly define the color, typeface, brand logo and userflow model.

Color and Typography


A symbol of clarity and calmness. It stabilizes the emotions increasing empathy and compassion.


A symbol of intelligence and wisdom. It stands for peace and trustworthiness.


A symbol of warmth and balance. Color that gives a sense of joy, energy, and optimism.

Staylia illustration

Brand Logo

Flexirentals = "Flexi"ble + "Rentals" - meaning that the rentsher now evolves into an flexible renting platform to serve all the user types or quantity, because now there's a plan for everyone. And the logo needed to convey the message clearly on the go.

Early User Flow

After the validating and testing the early user flow, I worked on the interface element and created low fidelity prototype. I tried to take in as many of elements and features as I could get to structure an perfect IA on the diverse to give a consistent experience. After the discussion and multiple iterations we fixed to go with the hybrid web/mobile interface platform, thereby furnishing one to all usage experience.


and Prototype

and Prototype




Once we were quite fixed on the wireframes, customer journey and user flow models along with the infinte hours of meeting and coffee. I settled on to create actual app screen and website design workflow.

Home Page (Website)

Category Page (Website)

List Page (Website)

Product Page (Website)

Staylia illustration

Login Flow (App)

Staylia illustration

Home Screen (App)

Category Screen (App)

Search Feature

Create Combo Feature

Product detail & Checkout flow

Staylia illustration


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